Terry Serpico

Retrouvez l'interview VF dans HypnoMag#2, pages 57 à 61.

Ecrit par albi2302 

Novembre 2016

You have a big career, but French fans mainly know you with your character in Army Wives, a drama show who supports American soldiers’ families. During 7 seasons, there were some tears, and some laughs… what scene was difficult to play for you ?

By far, Jeromy's (our son's death) funeral. Was a very sad time on set. We all had become such good friends. But it was important to get this right for our military families. I still have people come up to me and say thank you for helping us get thru our on sons death.

You come from a soldiers’ family, and this show brings out those who stay at home. You played Colonel Frank Sherwood. Was it important for you to play this kind of character? And did your personal life help you with your interpretation ?

YES! I basciallly played my father. He was a Colonel in the military named, Frank as well. He was very proud of my work on the show.

Denise/Frank is the couple the most evolved in the show. In the first season, Frank was harsh and Denise was shy ? At the end, Frank became nice and understanding while Denise became a strong woman. Do you have good memories with Catherine Bell ?

Yes. Wonderful memories of working with her on the show. It was so easy. All we had to do was look at each other and we were in character. We are still close.

Recently, a lot of shows are back on television to have a revival. What do you think of the last episode of Army Wives ? And would you like the show to come back on TV ?

The last episode on Army Wives left all of us hanging. I would love to have a reunion or a TV mini series.

After the end of Army Wives, you guest-starred on some shows like Blue Bloods, Drop Dead Diva, Criminal Minds or Elementary. Do you love TV shows? And what show do you want to play on ?

I do love TV shows. I would love to be on Game of Thrones.

Let’s talk about « The Inspectors », a show which is not known in France yet. You were nominated in “Oustanding Performer Chidren’s Series or pre-school Children's Series” at Daytime Emmy Awards. Congratulations!! What can you tell us about this show ?

Thank you ! I am proud to be a part of a family friendly, educational program. We take real cases from the US Postal Inspection Serice and create a 21 min show each Sat. morning on CBS. This is the oldest law enforcement branch in the US. You can see episodes on line at CBSdreamteam.com Season 2 airs Oct. 1st

For a few weeks, you are in theaters with the movie "Purge 3". This is not the kind of movies where we do not usually see you. What do you most like in this kind of characters ?

Purge 3 feature film was released in the US on July 4th weekend and was #1. DVD sales are Oct. 4th and it is in the Horror Genre but the horror is off screen. It is a thriller. The first scene is the kinda yuck but after that, it is better. I watched with my 12 year old daughter. The previews in the theatre were scarier. I play the lead villain. A military hit man for hire. Shaved head with tattoos.

With your wife, you give some Acting & Audition Classes. Is it important for you to share your knowledge ?

My life partner and business partner, Tuesday Beebe and I do teach acting & auditioning classes together. I was hesitiate at first and she started producing the classes for us and I found out I really enjoyed helping others. Made me a stronger actor too.

What are your next plans ?

My next plans is a feature film called Mine 9. I play the lead as a miner is West Virginia mountains. I am growing out a beard right now to look a bit older. I play Zeke who is a salt of the earth family man. We will be filming on the stages in Atlanta. Made to look like a real mine shaft. It is based on 3 real life mining accidents in West Virgina.
Waiting to hear about a pilot I shot in Vancouver for the Swim Network called Hooligans Squad.
Also, possible season 3 & 4 of The Inspectors.

Finally, did you ever visit France? And can you say something to your French fans ?

Yes, as a teenager while backpacking thru Europe. Wonderful people. Please tell my French fans that I love them in French and so grateful that they are still fans after all these years !

Ecrit par albi2302 
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